
I am running for the State House to be a voice for our community and protect middle class families struggling in the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Colorado lawmakers are now deciding how to cut $1 billion from next year's state budget after they have already closed a $2 billion gap in the last year and a half.

And yet the Denver Post reported yesterday that the Capitol looked like a "lobbyist convention" as scores of special interests fought to protect their corporate tax breaks from budget cuts, even though seniors, students, and schools have all sacrificed. [The Spot blog, Denver Post, 1/27/10]

Even more outrageous was the story that some of these powerful lobbyists were suggesting that the preservation of their tax breaks should be paid for by higher taxes on medicine and groceries.
[Denver Post, 1/27/10]

Higher prices on food and medicine would disproportionately hurt middle class and working families--people who call Northwest Denver home. After budget cuts have already affected senior citizens, K-12 schools, higher education, and care for the disabled, the notion that middle class families should pay for special interest tax breaks is simply stunning.

I will always stand with the families and communities of Northwest Denver against special interest influences in the Capitol. It is my belief that ordinary citizens can be heard in government when we are united as a community that drive me and our campaign for Northwest Denver
posted by Dan Pabon for Colorado HD4, 1:49 PM
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