A big night

Our community campaign, which began in living rooms, at kitchen tables and on front porches, grew to fill auditoriums, school cafeterias and classrooms as friends and supporters gathered Tuesday night in 44 precincts across Northwest Denver for the Democratic caucuses. And you made your voice heard.

Thanks to each and every one of you, we had a tremendous turnout at the precinct caucuses last night.

I was overwhelmed by the presence of our supporters at each caucus location, and the feedback I've been hearing from individual caucus goers, reporting how strong our support was at the precinct level, has been nothing short of amazing.

You demonstrated publicly what many us believe and know privately: we are stronger together than we are apart.

I could not do this without you. Caucus night was your night.

posted by Dan Pabon for Colorado HD4, 2:32 PM
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