The American Worker

Today, we celebrate the American worker and praise the contributions of the Labor movement to America's prosperity and workplace fairness.

I grew up in a union household. Both my mother and father were active in their unions because they believed that it was the American worker's tenacity and unrivaled dedication to providing a better future for the next generation that made our country so strong. They would say that if we wish to support our economy and our future prosperity, we need to support our working families. These values were impressed upon me from a young age and I believe that now more than ever we need to do more to support our working families.

Unfortunately, we have seen a lot of political gamesmanship at the expense of our workforce over the last few months. Republicans in Washington have filibustered every attempt to foster job growth or provide help to our workforce. They even held up extending unemployment benefits for the millions who are out of work. Their reason? Republican leadership claimed that assistance to those who can't find a job in this economy is equivalent to providing incentives for them to stay home and not find a job.

Let me make my position clear: there is no shortage of work ethic in America right now, there is a shortage of work. We need leaders who understand this and will support our workers, not talk down to them. If elected to serve our community, job growth and workforce development will be my top priorities because supporting our workers means giving them the opportunity to make America thrive.

Labor Day is a time for America to honor its workers. However, I believe it is incumbent upon our leaders to support working families every day. I hope to be the voice of working families in the State House so that we can continue building a stronger and more prosperous future for the next generation.

Happy Labor Day.
posted by Dan Pabon for Colorado HD4, 8:33 PM
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