It's About Time

Over the weekend, a legacy of discrimination against our nation's bravest men and women has come to an end.

On Saturday, the U,S. Senate followed the lead of the U.S. House and voted to end the Don't Ask, Don't Tell ("DADT") policy. This policy forced gay and lesbian service members, who bravely fight for our freedoms in some of the most hostile places in the world, to hide who they are or face being told they can no longer serve our country.

With so many Congressional frustrations and setbacks over the last few years, it is important for us to stop and celebrate hard fought victories which mark real progress for our country.

Ending this policy was necessary from both a political and national security standpoint. Polls have shown a majority of Americans favored repeal of DADT. Democrats, Republicans and Independents all thought it was time for this policy to go. However, as is often the case, our political institutions are slow to react to the will of the people. Therefore, when those institutions finally bring policy into line with our national sentiments, it only makes victory that much sweeter.

Perhaps, more importantly, DADT stood in direct contradiction to our values as Americans. I believe this country must be an example to the world of the imperative of tolerance, equality and fairness in all aspects of society and politics. This horrible policy was an enduring and glaring embarrassment to these values and its repeal was long past due.

There are so many challenges facing our country these days. The way we address these challenges will test us as a people and our dedication to the values we hold dear. Today, however, we brought our country closer to the American ideal and we can hold our heads high and declare that we stood behind our values.
posted by Dan Pabon for Colorado HD4, 12:01 PM
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