One Step Closer Toward Accountability and Transparency

Last week, I proudly voted to support a bill that cracks down on exorbitant expenses, including thousands of dollars in spa treatments and golf fees, and excessive travel by state-chartered entities. The bill was a direct result of a lavish vacation taken by the quasi-governmental agency Pinnacol Assurance last year. During that vacation, Pinnacol spent over $300,000 on their board members and $40,000 on tee times and spa treatments alone.

Small businesses across the state pay premiums to Pinnacol Assurance for workers compensation insurance. They receive huge tax breaks, incentives, and public retirement benefits. This type of behavior is an affront to Colorado taxpayers and small businesses. As a defender of government accountability and transparency, I fully support this bill.

Specifically, HB11-1211 limits the cost of travel to no more than twice the federal reimbursement amount per day. If a state-chartered entity spends more than this limit, then the person taking the trip would have to pay the balance.

posted by Dan Pabon for Colorado HD4, 12:59 PM
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